Nviollet le duc's book on french architecture homestuck

All of violletle ducs literary works were published in his lifetime. Eugene emmanuel violletle duc 18141879 essay one born in paris, france on january 27, 1814, eugeneemmanuel violletle duc was a french architect and restorer, and is widely considered to be the foremost theorist of modern architecture. Violletleduc, eugeneemmanuel mapping gothic france. Architectural theory violletle duc is considered by many to be the first theorist of modern architecture. A contemporary of georgeseugene haussmann and charles garnier, eugene emmanuel violletle duc was a 19thcentury gothic revival architect, designer, architectural historian, theorist and painter, famous for his enthusiastically creative restorations of not only iconographic parisian monuments, but monuments all over france and a few in bordering countries. Eugeneemmanuel viollet le duc, 18141879 reinterpreting nineteenthcentury architecture. The son of the souscontroleur des services for the tuileries, grandson of a successful contractor, and nephew of a wellknown artist and critic. Viollet le duc is not an art nouveau architect, he was dead long before the movement began in the early 1890ies. Viollet le duc, plan of the primitive state of the choir and transept of saintremi, reims, from vol. Viollet le duc has had a huge influence on the development of architectural theory through the 20th century and to today. His 10volume dictionary of french architecture covering the 11th16th centuries was unprecedented.

Violletleduc s architecture one of the greatest architects of the 19th century, the unconventional designer, theorist and writer eugene emmanuel violletleduc is best known for his restorations of romanesque architecture basilique saintemariemadeleine, vezelay and gothic architecture cathedral of notre dame, paris. Not only had violletleduc succeeded in transforming understanding of the nature and history of both sacred and secular gothic architecture, but he had carried his message to the very nerve center of french political power 17. A highly unusual book that will serve as both a beautiful coffee table volume and as a resource for study, violletle duc. It is not as much his construction work but his theories that. He deserves a place in the art nouveau world wide server because his work influenced deeply many an artists including guimard, gaudi, horta and many others.